The Jikei University School of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine and Research, WATABE Lab.

About Us

Watabe lab was newly established in April 2017. We are interested in the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying adaptive behaviors which are modulated by emotional and motivational states.
Currently, we are recruiting Ph.D. students! If you are interested in our research and the lab, please feel free to contact us.
Click HERE for more info.

Latest informationarchive

Jul 2024
International Brain Initiative Daegu Conference 2024 was held in Korea!
Prof. Watabe gave an invited lecture.
Jul 2024
The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (NEURO2024) was held in Fukuoka, Japan!
Dr. Nagashima gave a talk at the symposium and Ms. Esaki presented the results at the conference, too.
Apr 2024
Dr. Kanae Hiyoshi has been promoted to a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (PD).
Congratulations, Dr. Hiyoshi. We look forward to her further progress!
Apr 2024
The review article was accepted for publication in Jikken Igaku.
Congratulations, Dr. Hiyoshi and Prof. Watabe!
Apr 2024
The new school year has started.
Let‘s enjoy science as well as cherry-blossom viewing!
Apr 2024
The paper on the joint research with Dr. Kim and Dr. Ohtsuka in Yamanashi University is now published in Cell Chemical Biology! Congratulations!
“A light-controlled phospholipase C for imaging of lipid dynamics and controlling neural plasticity”
In this study, with support from AMED, we developed a light-controlled phospholipase C (opto-PLCβ). The newly developed technology is expected to be useful for elucidating the mechanism of memory formation and developing treatments for neurological diseases.
The press release in Japanese is below.
Mar 2024
Ms. Yoko Yomoto has retired from the Institute of Clinical Medicine and Research.
Thank you very much for your great help in our Lab.
We look forward to your continued success!
Mar 2024
Our paper is now published in Cell Reports Methods! Congratulations, Dr. Nagase!
“All-optical presynaptic plasticity induction by photoactivated adenylyl cyclase targeted to axon terminals”
In this study, with support from AMED, we developed a presynaptically localized photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (bPAC).Furthermore, in combination with other optotools, we succeeded in developing an all-optical technology to manipulate intracellular signaling systems and synaptic activity. The newly developed technology is expected to be useful for elucidating the relationship between synaptic regulation and brain function and for establishing treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders.
The press release in Japanese is below.
Dec 2023
Our paper is now published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience! Congratulations, Dr. Morishima!
“Excitatory subtypes of the lateral amygdala neurons are differentially involved in regulation of synaptic plasticity and excitation/inhibition balance in aversive learning in mice”
The press release in Japanese is below.
Dec 2023
The review article was accepted for publication in Jikken Igaku.
Congratulations, Dr. Nagashima and Prof. Watabe!
Nov 2023
Our paper is now published in Frontiers in Neural Circuits! Congratulations, Dr. Nagashima!
“State-dependent modulation of positive and negative affective valences by a parabrachial nucleus-to-ventral tegmental area pathway in mice”
The press release in Japanese is below.
Oct 2023
We welcome Mr. Natsuki Uekusa joining our lab as a third-year medical student lab rotation.
He works actively on behavioral experiments. We are enjoying our research experiences together!
Sep 2023
Dr. Morishima has move to Doshisya University.
Thank you very much for your great contribution to our Lab.
We are wishing you the best of luck in your next step!
We have a farewell party at the nearby café.
Sep 2023
NIPS Research Meeting 2023『Diverse approaches to understanding learning and memory 』 was held in Okazaki, Japan!
Dr. Nagashima presented the results and Prof. Watabe chaired the meeting.
Aug 2023
Ms. Esaki received the Junior Investigator Poster Award at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society.
Congratulations, Ms. Esaki!
Prof. Watabe organized the symposium gave a talk at the symposium.
Dr. Nagase and Ms. Esaki presented the results at the conference, too.
Apr 2023
We welcome Mr. Rin Ohsumi joining our lab as a new undergraduate student from Tokyo University of Science.
Apr 2023
The new school year has started.
Let's enjoy science and move forward with the plans!
Mar 2023
Ms. Kana Morikyu has retired from the Lab.
Thank you very much for your great help in our Lab.
We look forward to your continued success!
We have a farewell party under the cherry blossoms by Lake Teganuma.
Mar 2023
Our paper is now published in Molecular Brain!
“Experience-dependent changes in affective valence of taste in male mice”
Feb 2023
The review article was accepted for publication in Seitaino Kagaku.
Congratulations, Dr. Tohyama and Prof. Watabe!
Feb 2023
The paper on the joint research with Dr. Abe in Niigata University is now published in Scientific reports!
“A novel technique for large‐fragment knock‐in animal production without ex vivo handling of zygotes”
Dec 30th 2022
Our paper is now published in Nature Communications!
Congratulations, Dr. Nagashima!
“Parabrachial-to-parasubthalamic nucleus pathway mediates fear-induced suppression of feeding in male mice”
The press release in Japanese is below.
Dec 2022
The textbook is now published!
Congratulations, Prof. Watabe!
Oct 2022
Prof. Watabe and Prof. Saito at Tokyo University of Science
co-organized “The 6th Jikei University-Tokyo University of Science Joint Symposium”.
Dr. Morishima gave a poster presentation at the symposium.
Oct 2022
The review article was accepted for publication in Seitaino Kagaku.
Congratulations, Dr. Nagase and Prof. Watabe!
Sep 2022
We welcome Dr. Hiyoshi joining our lab as a postdoc.
Let’s enjoy science together!
Aug 2022
The article was accepted for publication in Jikken Igaku.
Congratulations, Prof. Watabe!

June 2022
Dr. Mikami has moved to Kyorin University. Congratulations!!
We all enjoyed working with her, and wish her the best in her next stage.
April 2022
We welcome Ms. Miki Esaki joining our lab as a new undergraduate student from Tokyo University of Science.
We also welcome Ms. Naomi Furuya and Ms. Emi Suzuki joining our lab as research technicians.
Let’s enjoy science together!
April 2022
The paper on the joint research with Division of Gene Therapy The Jikei University was accepted
for publication in Molecular Therapy Methods & Clinical Development.
We contributed to the behavioral experiments and analyses.
Congratulations, Dr. Tsunogai!
March 19th 2022
Congratulations to Ms. Yuka Toi!!
She obtained her Master’s degree from Tokyo University of Science.
We all enjoyed working with her, and wish her the best in her next stage.
March 16th-18th 2022
The 99th annual meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan was held in Sendai, Japan.
Prof. Watabe gave a talk at the symposium.
Mr. Matsumura, a third-year medical student, gave a poster presentation for the very first time!
January 2022
The 63rd/64th Kashiwa-Seiikai meeting was held in-person for the first time in two years!
Dr. Nagashima gave a poster presentation at the meeting.
July 2021
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society was held in Kobe, Japan!
Prof. Watabe gave a talk at the symposium and Dr. Nagashima presented the results at the conference, too.
We all enjoy working in the second half of the year 2021.
June 2021
Our paper “The parabrachial-to-amygdala pathway provides aversive information to induce avoidance behavior in mice” was accepted for publication in Molecular Brain!
This is the thesis work of Dr. Mariko Ito, an anesthesiologist with great enthusiasm and love for research, who gave birth to a beautiful baby at the end of her graduate studies.
Congratulations, Mariko!!
April 2021
Our paper “ An engineered channelrhodopsin optimized for axon terminal activation and circuit mapping “ was accepted for publication in Communications Biology!
This is a joint work supported by CREST project with Isomura lab in Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Ohtsuka lab in Yamanashi University.
Congratulations, Dr. Nagase!
March 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Risa Iguchi!!
She obtained her Ph.D. degree from The University of Tokyo.
We all enjoyed working with her, and wish her the best in her next stage.
February 2021
We welcome Mr. Sota Matsumura joining our lab as a third-year medical student lab rotation.
He works actively on behavioral and electrophysiological experiments.
We are enjoying our research experiences together!

June 2020
The paper on the joint research with Division of Gene Therapy The Jikei University was accepted for publication in Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. Dr. Miwa, congratulations!
May 2020
We enjoy having a discussion online. Let’s perform a task with maintaining social distance!
April 1st 2020
Dr. Morishima and Dr. Tohyama joined the lab. Let's have fun with researches!
March 2020
Ms. Toi and Dr. Mikami won a poster award at the Sei-i-kai. Congratulations!
February 2020
Third-year medical students came to our lab and actively participated in the discussion.
January 2020
The paper on the joint research with Osaka University was accepted for publication in Nature Communications!
October 5th 2019
Dr. Watabe and Dr. Saito at Tokyo University of Science co-organized “5th The Jikei University-Tokyo University of Science Joint Symposium”.
Dr. Watabe gave a talk at the symposium.

April 2019
Dr. Nagashima joined the lab as a postdoc. Welcome to our lab!
March 28th 2019
Dr. Watabe organized a symposium and gave a talk at the FAOPS2019.
March 19th 2019
Dr. Sasaki Retirement Celebration was held at the Crest Hotel.
March 11th 2019
Ms. Toi joined the lab as a graduate student from Tokyo University of Science. Welcome to our lab!
March 1st 2019
Dr. Watabe attended the 30th award presentation ceremony of Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation.
February 2019
Dr. Arima joined the lab as a research fellow. Welcome to our lab!
January 2019
Third-year medical students came to our lab and enjoy doing experiments.
January 2019
Dr. Watabe participated in the CREST meeting.
We are so motivated by the presentation about cutting-edge research. Let's give it our all!

December 2018
Ms. Nozaki came to visit our lab with Yuu-chan!
November 2018
We had a birthday party for Dr. Watabe and a welcome party for Ms. Komatsu.
August 2018
The review article was accepted for publication in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences!
June 2018
We had a birthday party for Dr. Mikami and a welcome party for Ms. Kishi.
April 2018
Dr. Kaori Mikami joined the lab as a postdoc.
Welcome to our lab!
March 2018
Prof. Watabe organized a symposium and gave a talk at the 95th annual meeting of the physiological society of Japan.
January 2018
Dr. Masashi Nagase joined our lab as a research associate.
Welcome to the lab!